DC – “Drop in & Hang out” with Senator Wyden – 3 day event!

Eleanor Goldfield Local Actions, News

Date – Tuesday, February 24th – Thursday, February 26th 2015
Time – 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Location – Dirksen Senate Office Building – Senator Wyden’s Office
City – Washington, D.C.

This week people are taking action across the country, calling on their representatives in the House and Senate to reject Fast Track trade promotion authority for the corporate free-trade agenda. Next week the action continues on the Hill with a drop in and hang out in Senator Wyden’s office!  Email below to participate and get more info!

Senator Wyden is key to stopping Fast Track in the Senate. That’s why he is our main target next week.

If you can participate please respond to the email below with the dates and times that you are available and what you prefer (how much time, which days, etc) your preferred email, your phone number, your organization (optional), where you live (optional), and any comments or concerns. Also let us know if you want to be placed in a slot with any of your friends or allies!

We will then send out confirmation emails to all who respond!

Contact Mackenzie McDonald Wilkins to join the action & get more information
Email Mackenzie Here
Give Mackenzie a ring at 734-474-2984

Eleanor GoldfieldDC – “Drop in & Hang out” with Senator Wyden – 3 day event!